
The 1st DTU, Lund, Oslo, Chalmers, KU and Stockholm (D-LOCKS) workshop on galaxy evolution
‘The Devil is in the Detail: Extragalactic Astronomy at High Resolution’
DTU, Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
11th and 12th January 2024
D-LOCKS logo

We are happy to announce that DTU will be hosting the 1st DTU, Lund, Oslo, Chalmers, KU and Stockholm (D-LOCKS) workshop on the 11th and 12th of January 2024.

The topic of D-LOCKS 2024 will be:
‘The Devil is in the Detail: Extragalactic Astronomy at High Resolution’
This workshop aims to bring together observers and theorists to discuss the latest galaxy evolution results of the new generation of instruments and simulations. With the recent launch of new space telescopes such as JWST and Euclid and the commissioning, upgrades and development of ground-based telescopes such as ALMA, SKA, LOFAR, and E-ELT alongside increasingly more detailed simulations such as FLARES, SIMBA and FIRE we have entered a new data-driven era of extragalactic astronomy. This unprecedented data and extensive computational resources will allow us to study the Universe in even greater detail than ever before. But what are the most pressing questions we need to answer and how do we answer them?

This workshop intends to bring together observers and theorists in Scandinavia to discuss advances in modelling and observational techniques in extragalactic astronomy. We would therefore like to invite colleagues from DTU, Lund, Oslo, Chalmers, KU and Stockholm to DTU with the aim to foster collaborations, exchange of ideas, and create strong ties between the institutes and universities. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase the progress of early career researchers, in particular master students, PhD students and young postdocs.

In person participation is strongly encouraged, however a zoom link is available in extenuating circumstances.

Important dates:
Announcement: 2nd October 2023
Abstract submission deadline: 24th November 2023
Registration deadline: 15th December 2023
Workshop: 11th and 12th January 2024

Any questions please contact us at:

Kind regards your local and science organising committees

Bitten Gullberg (DTU/DAWN, LOC chair)
Steve Gillman (DTU/DAWN, co-LOC chair, SOC chair)
Nikolaj Sillassen (DTU/DAWN, LOC)
Minju Lee (DTU/DAWN, LOC)
Iris Jermann (DTU/DAWN, LOC)
Aswin Vijayan (DTU/DAWN, LOC)
Oscar Agertz (Lund, SOC)
Claudia Cicone (Oslo, SOC)
Sabine König (Chalmers, SOC)
Danial Langeroodi (KU/Dark, SOC)
Johan Fynbo (KU/DAWN, SOC)
Matthew Hayes (Stockholm, SOC)
Johannes Puschnig (Uppsala, SOC)